Diane Drubay and Stein Olav Henrichsen discuss the future of museums. Photo: Kati Zubek |
Bild: Kati Zubek |

N99 | Future Of The Museum

„Museums can’t only talk about the past“

Globalization and digitalization are changing the societies we are living in. For Diane Drubay („We Are Museums“) museums have to accomodate themselves to these changes, if they don’t want to lose the connection to the society.

Designing the future of the museum

Since there are various ways of creating the future of the museum, the people behind the platform We Are Museums are observing concepts and talk to international experts within the field of museums and the cultural world. On that basis, Diane Drubay has figured out five different scenarios for the museum in 2030.

A museum or a cultural institution in general should be participating in solving the societies most important questions, problems and challenges. So we need to be in the core of the development of society. – Stein Olav Henrichsen, Munch Museum Oslo

The ideas circle around connecting museums to the city or to further include the visitors in the structure. Beyond that, Diane Drubay wants to introduce more of a startup-culture to the museums.

Museum 2030

In her talk „Museum 2030“ Diane Drubay, founder of We Are Museums presented at THE ARTS+ five concepts and discussed them.

We Are Museums was founded in 2013 by Diane Drubay to connect the fields of culture and innovation. Initially a yearly event, the platform today creates events, writes publications and surveys trends. The next annual event will be held in Morocco in May 2018. Christian Bollert spoke to Diane Drubay and Stein Olav Henrichsen, director of the munch museum in Oslo, about the museum of the future.

N99 | Future Of The Museum 17:59

N99 | auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse

Vom 11. bis zum 15. Oktober sendet live von der Frankfurter Buchmesse. Ihr findet uns am Stand „N99“ auf der THE ARTS+. Dort treffen wir spannende Gäste und ihr könnt dabei sein: vor Ort, im Livestream oder im Podcast.

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