Brian Behlendorf discusses the advantages of blockchains for the creative industry. photo: Kati Zubek
Bild: Kati Zubek |

N99 | THE ARTS+ – Brian Behlendorf

„Blockchain is for artists a tremendously empowering thing“

Brian Behlendorf from Hyperledger discusses the value of the blockchain technology for the arts and culture sector. Why should artists look out for it? A talk about the power of blockchains and their influence on management.

Blockchain – the end of management as we know it

The most prominent blockchain is probably the digital currency Bitcoin, but blockchains are way more than that. The concept stands for a list of records, so-called blocks. While these blocks are growing permanently, they are connected among themselves. Hence blockchain is a technology to collect and analyse huge amounts of data and simultaneously keep them save per coding. Thereby it can be used to decentralize managerial structures.

That means we can build really advanced information systems and a lot more capabilities, without needing to hang our heads on one central company to provide that for us. – Brian Behlendorf, Hyperledger

Brian Behlendorf has discussed, how far technologies like blockchain, can be used in the creative and cultural world and possibly change them drastically. Because while there is consensus, that technology will keep on changing the world, the manner of the change is yet to be defined.

Brian Behlendorf from Hyperledger

Brian Behlendorf is executive director of Hyperledger Project. He previously worked as a developer of the Apache Web server and is founding member of the Apache Software Foundation. He most recently was managing director at a global technology investment firm. Claudius Nießen has spoken to Brian Behlendorf of Hyperledger at THE ARTS+ at the Frankfurt book fair.

N99 | Brian Behlendorf at THE ARTS+ about blockchain 03:41

Redaktion: Lukas Gilbert

N99 | auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse

Vom 11. bis zum 15. Oktober sendet live von der Frankfurter Buchmesse. Ihr findet uns am Stand „N99“ auf der THE ARTS+. Dort treffen wir spannende Gäste und ihr könnt dabei sein: vor Ort, im Livestream oder im Podcast.

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