The Brit Parade mit Dan Wesker – immer donnerstags 19 Uhr im Wortstream. Foto: privat
The Brit Parade mit Dan Wesker – immer donnerstags 19 Uhr im Wortstream. Foto: privat

The Brit Parade – Folge 03/2019

The Brit Parade „The Brexit Holiday Edition“

And now: In English, please! In „The Brit Parade“ mäandert der Engländer und Musikauskenner Dan Wesker geschmackssicher und mit lässiger British Attitude durch Neuheiten und Klassiker aus dem United Kingdom. Diesmal: „The Brexit Holiday edition“.

Hello and welcome to another edition of The Brit Parade. I say another, but this is actually the last for a while and I promise it has nothing to do with Brexit. Instead I’ve decided that I need to concentrate my energies on other things an so me and the boys next door decided to take a little break. A little holiday if you like. Coming so close to the historic disaster called Brexit as well, I’ve decided to include a lot of music from all those terrible European countries in this, The Brexit Holiday edition.
– Dan Wesker


  1. Wrongtom meets – The Quantic Soul Orchestra – Pushing On
  2. Flowdan – Welcome to London
  3. Kidswaste – Sleeping Pills (feat. KOLE)
  4. Alexis Evans – Chocolate Seller
  5. Apparat – Dawan
  6. Kizzy Crawford – Adlewyrchu Arnaf I (Reflecting on Me)
  7. Isaac Brituro and The Rail Abandon – Yesu Yan Yan
  8. Guts – Kenke Corner
  9. Jordan Rakei – Mind’s Eye
  10. The KingDem (Rodney P, Ty and Blak Twang) – The Conversation (We Ain’t Done Yet)
  11. Clinic – Rubber Bullets
  12. Quantiv – Atlantic Oscillations
  13. Nikitch & Kuna Maze – JPS

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